Thursday, 16 July 2009

My first major dice decision since the blog


I have a dice decision. I have the opportunity to accept something that doesn't meet the criteria I'd set. This thing isn't something I can publicly mention here, so let's just say that there are consequences if I don't accept the offer.

If I get it my way I got more of that thing we all know and love: money. I know I'm worth it, but there's that risk, of course, that if I don't accept this thing then I'll lose it, and lose the possible connections it would likely lead to.

But of course one can't make decisions based on fear, can one?

And this is one of the key elements to making dice decisions. The moment one opens oneself up to living outside one's comfort zone, and making those riskier decisions, then one is alive. The beauty of dice decisions is they "factor in" an element of risk, but still include the possibility of making a safe decision. If anything, they're a kind of halfway house between living dangerously and living safely.

But as I've said already, I do believe that the consequences of decisions are illusory. One can make a decision that has the most excellent short term consequences, and most abysmal long term ones. So who can really say that there is such a thing as a "good" or "bad" decision?

But tomorrow, I will film my dice decision and post it here.

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